Live a life of abundance, not only financially, but in all areas of your life. Gone are the days of struggle and lack and fears and negativity. There are very specific things that successful people do not only to achieve high levels of financial success, but also to create a totally abundant and fulfilling life.
Here is what to do (consistently), to turn your dreams into reality:
Choose to be successful. Act with courage. Successful people do have fears. Step forward in spite of your fears. Discomfort is part of the process. Go ahead step out of your comfort zone! Whatever you wish to achieve/manifest in your life, do not want it, choose it.
Believe and accept that your thoughts create your reality.You can create anything you desire by focusing your thought energy on it.
Identify and remove all the blocks(negative beliefs) that are limiting and preventing you from creating abundance. Here are some examples of blocks that individuals often have to remove from their consciousness: fear of success, guilt about having more, what if they think I am greedy, I don’t deserve abundance, there is never enough, money doesn’t grow on trees, money is the root of all evil and I’m not worthy.
Decide exactly with great clarity – what you really, REALLY want to BE, DO and HAVE.What are you passionate about? What do you love? What would you have if there were no limits? What inspires you? How would you like to be remembered? Write down all your answers, prioritize them and write out the most important desires that you want to manifest right away.
Be the person that you dream of being!
Activate the Law of Attraction
Our thoughts cause a vibration. Anything similar to that vibration is drawn as if by a magnet, to us.
Take some time out to be quiet.Meditate. Create a vision of yourself already enjoying that what you want to be, do and have. Get into the feeling of having already manifested your dream. Use all of your senses feel the happiness, joy and ecstasy and keep expressing your gratitude for already having received what you desire. See it, taste it, hear the sounds of it, smell it just use your imagination!
Set your intentions your anticipated outcomes or end results that will guide your planned actions or goals.Write them down. Become creative, you are playing an active role in the manifestation of your desires and then detach from your outcome. Release your intention use your imagination – trust and allow the universe to take care of fulfilling your desire.
Create some affirmationsthat you can use to replace your old negative beliefs or thoughts, e.g. I don’t deserve or I am a failure, each time they come into your mind to distract you, e.g., I am abundantly healthy. I feel prosperous. Abundance is my way of life. Each day I am getting better and better at manifesting abundance.
Life will show up for you in exactly the way you imagine it!
Get out of your comfort zone.
Your comfort zone is defined by your fear and
your perception of your limitation.
“It’s never too late to be who you might have been.” –George Elliot
Unleash Your Full Potential Now!
Eugenia E. Karahalias, LCSW-R, CASAC, CCH, RMT
Office: 516·456-4490
Fax: 877-235-1560
180 Great East Neck Road
West Babylon, New York 11704
We are meant to thrive, not survive…even in the desert!