
The Strangest Secret

The secret to why some people succeed while others always seem to fail are revealed in Earl Nightingale’s book for Simple Truths, The Strangest Secret:  How to Live the Life You Desire.  At the heart of success are predetermined goals.  People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.   In The Strangest Secret, Earl shares the key differentiator between those who succeed and those who don’t:  We become what we think about. The human mind will return anything we want to plant. In The Strangest Secret:  How to Live the Life You Desire, Earl shares a 30-day plan that can transform your life.  So, plant your goal in your mind.  It’s the most important decision you’ll ever make—the key to your success!

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Eugenia E. Karahalias, LCSW-R, CASAC, CCH, RMT

Office: 516·456-4490

Fax: 877-235-1560 

 180 Great East Neck Road

West Babylon, New York 11704

We are meant to thrive, not survive…even in the desert!