
Give yourself the gift of Balance Health & Wellness!

Magnified Healing

What is Magnified Healing?  Magnified Healing is a holistic approach to healing your body naturally.  The Magnified Healing Practitioner combines healing energy with voice and movement.  This healing was first introduced to earth in 1983.  Previously, this healing method was used only in the higher dimensions by Ascended Masters to assist the Masters on Earth and mankind under special divine dispensation.  Magnified Healing was reintroduced in 1992 with the Chinese influence of Lady Kwan Yin who guided, directed and inspired Gisele King and Kathryn M. Anderson to spread the practice and teaching of this powerful healing modality.  Kwan Yin is known as the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion.  “Mercy means there is more assistance given through love than through merit earned.”  Magnified Healing is not a religion; it is a healing modality for the spiritual advancement of Humanity.

Magnified Healing® establishes a constant flow of energy from your heart to the Source, the All That Is, the Infinite Mind, the GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE, through all of the Spiritual Centers, down to the Diamond at the Center of the Earth. The link spirals and brings a deep state of grace pulsing forth from the Source, laying the very foundation for the Ascension process.

About Kwan Yin:

*Goddess of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness

*She Directs the Flame of Mercy and Compassion

*Member of the Great White Brotherhood of this planet

*Chohan of the Seventh Ray for Two Thousand Years, until 1954

*Member of the Karmic Board Governs the healing activity to Earth and mankind

*Patroness of women and birth

*Of service to the incoming children

*Lord Gautama Buddha was her Master

*Her flower and electronic pattern are the five-petaled lotus. 

What does Magnified Healing do?  Magnified Healing assists in healing the body naturally.  Magnified Healing heals the body on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.  It is different from Reiki because the client is actively participating in their healing process during Magnified Healing.  Magnified Healingimmediately releases all misqualified energies and imbalances.  It will also help with the same conditions as Reiki; however, Magnified Healing concentrates on the following:

     Sensitize, Awaken, Rewire & Connect the Nervous System

      Clear/redistribute the calcium on the spine.  The clinical benefit is that calcium maintains the spine’s flexibility and strength

      Scan/heal the body and balance the Chakras

     Heal Karma

    Activate all strands of DNA

How does Magnified Healing Work“Many forms of healing are “healer focused” meaning that the seeker must go to a physician, priest, temple, shaman or other place to receive healing”.* In most vibrational healing methods, the healing is channeled and directed through the healer. In Magnified Healing, the practitioner creates the energy with GOD MOST HIGH OF THE UNIVERSE and becomes Magnified Healing.  *Excerpt from “Magnified Healing… A New (Ancient) Perspective” by Jan Bennett. 

Magnified Healing requires that the client actively participate in their healing process.  The client remains relaxed.  Magnified Healing is done while sitting or lying down fully clothed.  The Magnified Healing Practitioner places one hand in front of the body of the client who is receiving the Magnified Healing treatment and the other in back of the client.  The energy goes from one hand to the other through the body of the client.  Then the practitioner releases all misqualified energies and imbalances.  These imbalances are what cause disease & poor health.

Who would benefit from Magnified Healing?  Everyone can benefit from Magnified Healing.  If you are healthy, the energy works to help you stay clear and balanced.  If you have been diagnosed with a disease, are under any form of stress or have an injury, Magnified Healing will assist in the healing process. 

While not a miracle cure, many clients experience a significant relief of physical ailments from receiving Magnified Healing.  Others may experience a release of repressed emotional baggage that has been keeping them blocked or stuck.  The recipient’s response to treatment varies with their individual needs.

The Magnified Healing technique is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. The technique is in no way to be considered as a substitute to your own inner guidance, or consultation with a licensed health care professional. We never make any claim that Magnified Healing only will heal the person. We believe in a combination of allopathic and alternative healing treatments.

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 Unleash Your Full Potential Now!

Eugenia E. Karahalias, LCSW-R, CASAC, CCH, RMT

Office: 516·456-4490

Fax: 877-235-1560 

 180 Great East Neck Road

West Babylon, New York 11704

We are meant to thrive, not survive…even in the desert!